
The Chef Recommends...

Mae: So I was busy doing nothing when Nicole suddenly knocked on my door and asked if I could go with her. I said ok even though I had no idea where we were going. (I'm such a good friend aren't I?) Turns out, Nicole got a certificate for a free dinner for 2 at the Eastwood Richmonde Hotel from a friend she ran into at school this morning! Yay! The moral of the story: Go to school, someone might give you free stuff. Anyway, it was the first time for both of us to eat at the Richmonde Hotel so we decided to try and explore the food critic world. p.s. THANK YOU NICOLE!!! I LOVE FREE DINNERS!!!

Unfortunately, no buffet for that day (a bit of a disappointment, i love buffets) since it was a weekday so instead we'd be getting a four course meal that the chef recommended. This made it more fun actually! It was like a mini-adventure, but for our tummies! Every course was a mystery.
Nicole: Throughout the blog, you might notice that I'm the negative one while Mae is sunny and positive, don't mind me I'm just pretending to be a snobbish critic when in reality I pretty much stuffed my face with all the foooood.

Starter: Bread and Butter
Mae: No surprises here, most restaurants start with bread and butter anyway. I liked the bread, it had a very strong herb-licious flavor.
Nicole: Hmmm....The bread was good, it could have been better if it was fresh though!

Appetizer: Tuna Ceviche
Mae: This was my favorite course of the night! I've never had ceviche before but this dish made me want to eat it more. It had a layer of stuff underneath it (yeah stuff, that's a technical term) that consisted of onions (one of my faves), and cucumber, and other things that my uneducated palate couldn't decipher. It definitely made the dish taste even better!
Nicole: Hahaha well I liked the stuff underneath the tuna too! The tuna was soft and the stuff lent an awesome crunch to the dish! The play on textures were amazing! It was fun to eat. The ceviche was finished with lemon juice or vinegar for acidity so you don't get that yucky feeling and taste of eating something raw.

Main Course: Chicken Inasal
Mae: I was surprised that they served chicken inasal as their main course. I was hoping for lamb or roast beef (naks) It wasn't bad though. Not the best I ever had, but not bad. For really delicious chicken inasal though I still prefer Jo's Chicken Inato, Matias, or Andok's. It was served with garlic rice, and you just can't go wrong with garlic rice! I momentarily gave up my no-rice-eating-streak because I just couldn't help myself!
Nicole: Yeah... as Mae said, that Chicken Inasal was a shocker. I wanted steak :( Anyway, the chicken had this funny smell, I think it's because of the lemongrass? Well whatever it was, it didn't stop me from eating it anyway. I think I was just really hungry!

Dessert: Mango Bulcan
Mae: This was an interesting dessert, I've never even seen it before. Haha it had a layer of some thin wafers, pastillas, and mango cream (hence the mango in the name) and had a garnish of chocolate and caramel. It was scrumptious actually but i found the pastillas too thick. It gives you the kind of feeling where something gets stuck to the roof of your mouth and that makes it hard to chew. In the end, I couldn't finish it, which is quite heartbreaking since dessert is usually my favorite part of any meal. I would recommend this to people though, especially with the caramel garnish to dip the dessert in (makes it even better!) Although next time, I won't eat so much pastillas.
Nicole: This was such a delicate looking dish! I am a sucker for caramel so I gobbled the whole thing up! The pastillas were too huge and too much of it though, but seriously, at that moment I didn't care! The caramel sauce was heaven, until I finished it all though, the pastillas did not sit well with me. :s

Nicole: Since Mae got to start the Blog I shall finish it! Richmonde Hotel was a great experience. I would visit again, definitely! Of course not all of the courses were amazing (I will order steak next time damn it!)  but hey it was a free dinner, one should not complain. Anywho, thanks to my friend Kendrick Barcena for dinner! Much love coming your way from two satisfied stomachs!

-Mae and Nic

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